Panikos Loizou & Son

Stamped Concrete Cyprus by Panikos Loizou and Son

Views: 4477 | Date Added: 04/28/2016 |   Date Updated: 04/28/2016

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Our company presents Panikos Loizou & SonsStampedConcreteLtdready mix for the Bonstone. Is an architectonic stone washed effect floor that furnish and personalize outside areas trough a variety of coloursand drawings. Its ideal for pool, sidewalks, public gardens, theme parks, pedestrian area etc. Using small natural stones of different sizes we can obtain several architectonic and chromatic effects respecting the ecologic environmental balance. The ready-made Bonstoneis a product based upon fibers, pigments, dispersants, products anti-efflorescence and additives which , mixed with resin and gravel of different colors, shapes and dimensions.

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